IT Financial Management and the Service Lifecycle - How the Pieces of the Puzzle Come Together
By: Dean Meyer (NDMA) and Nick Schneider (newScale)
catalog, demand management, service management, service costing….
You’re implementing the buzz words, but how do they all come together
into a comprehensive system of IT financial governance?
These are all pieces of a bigger puzzle, a set of
processes that put IT’s clients in control of what they buy and align
IT’s resources to fulfill those sales.
Note the context: All these pieces make sense when you think
of IT as a business within a business, “selling” (whether or not money
actually changes hands) well defined products and services to clients
throughout the enterprise. Some products and services are sold to
specific business units; others such as ERP are sold to a consortium of
clients. Some sales are products, like application development
projects; others are ongoing services. But they’re all sales.
We’re not necessarily talking about chargebacks. Think of the
IT budget – whether it’s the product of allocations or a simple budget
from above – as a “pre-paid” account which is put on deposit at the
beginning of the year. Clients can then use that money as a
checkbook to buy IT’s products and services all year long.
IT organizations which have implemented this paradigm quickly find
that clients will defend the IT budget, including their allocations,
since that budget effectively becomes their checkbook.
To make this market effect work, clients need to understand what we
sell and how much our products and services cost. Then, we need to put
clients in control of that checkbook – both during the budget
negotiation process and all year long as priorities change.
There are three major processes required:
- Business planning – establishing a service catalog with costing
- Business negotiations – business planning and negotiating the budget, which fills up clients’ checkbooks
- Business dynamics – an ongoing customer decision process, called
portfolio management or demand management, which empowers clients to
decide their priorities and “write checks” (place orders). Also
included is IT’s fulfillment, tracking and ongoing service improvement.
The various ITILŪ financial management processes fit within these three major processes.
- Business planning encompasses three very important activities.
a. Service portfolio: Establish the portfolio of
product and service offerings. ITILŪ v3’s Service Portfolio
Management, a core concept within its Service Strategy book, offers
significant perspective on this area.
b. Service levels: For each service offering, define one or more
levels of service quality. ITILŪ v3 expands on its previously offered
Service Level Management best practices.
c. Pricing: Establish prices (rates) based on the full
cost to shareholders/donors/taxpayers of each item in the
catalog. Full cost includes both direct costs and a fair share of
all indirect costs. ITILŪ v3’s Service Valuation activity within the
Financial Management process provides general direction while the
Full-cost Maturity Model (ISBN 1-892606-25-9) provides detailed
- Secondly, business negotiations consist of a number of discrete activities.
a. Business planning: Forecast how much of each item in
the catalog you expect to sell to each business unit, and what costs
you’ll incur in delivering it. This business plan leads directly
to a budget – but not just the traditional forecast of expense codes
per manager (like travel, training, and licenses). Key to the
market approach is a budget that forecasts the costs of proposed
product and service sales – a budget for your deliverables.
b. Budget negotiations: A process where clients
understand what their requests cost, defend their need for IT products
and services, and the enterprise determines what it will and won’t buy
from IT.
c. Finalize rates: Based on the output of the budgeting
process, final rates are extracted and the price list is finalized.
d. Publish agreements: Based on the approved budget,
SLAs with rates can be finalized for ongoing services. The final
agreements entitle certain people to order products and services, with
a portion of the budget set aside for these ongoing services and
commodity products. The remainder of the budget is for projects, to be
decided in the third process.
- Lastly, business dynamics cover a range of interrelated activities which occur on an ongoing basis throughout the year.
a. Demand management: Funds reserved for major projects are
scrutinized through monthly executive reviews, priorities are
determined, and project contracts and agreements are established for
the priority projects. This is equivalent to clients writing
“checks” out of that pre-paid account created by the budget. This is
the second half of what ITILŪ v3 terms Demand Management.
b. Take orders within the agreements: Where SLAs were
established for ongoing services and commodity products, IT takes
orders for individual products and services (subject to the rules, such
as who’s entitled to what, established by the business negotiations
c. Fulfill orders: Deliver products and services in a cost
efficient and effective fashion. Through the Service Catalog Management
and Request Fulfillment disciplines, ITILŪ v3 establishes guidelines
around the design and execution of efficient, scalable and transparent
receiving and order fulfillment processes.
d. Billing and Accounting: Invoice for work completed and
maintain checkbook balances to drive the portfolio management process
described above and feeds the General Ledger accounting system.
e. Analysis and continual service improvement: Analyze
financial and performance data to identify opportunities for service
improvements and to guide the next year’s planning cycle. ITILŪ v3
lends considerable guidance in this area in its Continual Service
Improvement book.
Clearly IT financial management has a critical role threaded
throughout the service lifecycle. By recognizing and
institutionalizing these interrelated processes, an IT organization can
do business in a businesslike manner. It can:
- communicate service options with cost and performance choices, and deliver periodic performance repo
rting and reviews
- describe what it does such that clients understand what they’re getting, including costs and service level expectations
- compare its costs and service levels to the market to determine what it does well and what it should consider outsourcing
- limit demand to available resources by giving clients choices
through service offerings and service level options with costs, and
letting them decide what they’ll buy within a limited checkbook
- respond more efficiently to changes in demand through the standardization of services
This market-based approach to IT financial management solves many
common problems such as clients expecting more than IT has resources to
deliver, accusations that you cost too much or that allocations are
unfair, and a lack of sufficient funding for infrastructure and
innovation. It also ensures strategic alignment since clients
will buy what they most need.
When the various financial and resource governance processes, such as
those recommended by ITILŪ, are put in the context of this big picture,
they can be designed to fit together as a system and achieve the
intended purpose: a system of governance that puts clients in the
driver’s seat and aligns IT resources with their business.
About the Authors:
Dean Meyer is the author of
the Full-cost Maturity Model, an industry standard metric of an
organization’s ability to plan its business and its costs. He
implements planning, costing, and governance processes. He also
coaches CIOs on organizational, political and leadership issues based
on his compelling business-within-a-business paradigm and the common
sense built over 35 years in the IT industry. He has been teaching,
writing, and consulting since 1968. Dean lives in Ridgefield, CT.
Nick Schneider is the Senior
Director of Strategic Services at newScale, Inc. where he leverages his
background as an ITILŪ Service Manager, Six Sigma Black Belt and CISA
to help bring creative solutions to complex business problems. His
experience as a principal spans numerous enterprise ITILŪ
implementations. Nick has been leading cross functional teams around
the globe for over 15 years and is currently focused on guiding
organizations through their service portfolio journeys.
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